Today:What Where When How?

I opened this blog to be able to comment on blogs which may limit comments to bloggers only. Since that time I have decided to commnet on what is happening in my world too.

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Location: Semmes, Alabama, United States

Old sometimes retired guy who still thinks I can do anything. Sorta like Caleb, but understanding it is not necessarly so.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Going Out Like a Lion.

There is an old saying about March. You know the one about if March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lamb. It was the truth here this year. If I remember correctly March 1 was a beautiful Sunday. Today we had thunderstorms. Actually most of the last week has been wind, lightening and rain. Last weekend a friend was posting scenes of the Fish River rising in their backyard. See: Today lightening struck a house one street away and the home is a total loss. March really is going out like a lion in this area..

I made a commitment a while back to try to stop listening to the conservative talk shows. I also tried to stop reading or listening to the liberal news media. I wanted to stop writing in this blog about things which upset me. I have found it difficult to listen to any radio other than talk, because the most of the music I find on the radio is upsetting too. (Maybe I'm getting old?)

Maybe I should brag a little about what is good in my life. Mary and I will celebrate our 52nd wedding anniversary about the middle of April. We are going to spend a long weekend in Destin, Fl. Our three children seem to be healthy and happy.
We plan on spending Easter weekend with our daughter and son-in-law in Tallahassee. I have a job which I like, if not love, and I usually have three days a week off. My roof does not leak, I am able to stay up on all our payments, and I certainly have at least enough food to eat. My family and I all know Jesus the Christ is our Savior.

There! I did find something good to write about and it was not too difficult. So let March get on out of here and April showers bring on the May flowers. We are ready. How about you?


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Personal Update

I suppose that soon I am going to have to admit that I am 74 going on 75. Early Monday morning I was driving across the Mobile I-10 Bayway headed to Fairhope as the sun rose above the trees. Mary and I were on our way to Fairhope Alpacas to help in this year's shearing. See Something like twelve hours later we were dirty and tired and grinning ear to ear while driving across the Bayway into a setting sun going home to Semmes.

We had helped shear, weigh the fleece, trim toenails, grind teeth and doctor 77 beautiful healthy Alpacas. Tuesday and to a lesser extent today I paid dearly for all the strenuous exercise I put my body through. I could sit or I could stand, but transitioning from one to the other was painful. This is the reason I am going to have to admit to my age someday soon.

We knew what we were getting ourselves into. We had done the same thing last year.
We also knew that most people our age (Mary is just a few years younger than me)would not even thinking of doing anything but watching the process. We just have to get in the fray up close and personal. We may not be able to own any of these beautiful interesting animals ourselves, but it is fun to hang with people who do.

We also came home with a bag of prime alpaca fleece. This years reward is a beautiful crimpy dark brown fleece. We will be washing, carding, and spinning it sometime this spring. What, or even when, there will be a finished product made from the fibers we helped harvest last Monday remains to be seen, but we have the satisfaction of knowing WE DID IT!

This Friday we were scheduled to assist the Mobile Museum be doing spinning demonstrations for Frontier Days at Ft. Conde. That has now been postponed until April 24th. Maybe the Good Lord knows we needed a few more days of rest?

Until next time, Mac